A Magical Cove




My two week trip to Lake Superior has concluded. A base camp was set up at Pancake Bay Provincial Park. I highly recommend staying here. Beautiful beach at this park.   I spent many hours exploring the coastline and photographing. It is always a joy to walk the sandy and stone beaches. I climbed over rocky structures looking for the next shot. If you are observant, there are many geological observations to be made here.

I had seen the worn ribbon tied to a tree just off the highway a number of times. Therefore one evening I decided that I had to check it out. Normally marker ribbons are placed for a reason as a marker. Gathering up my photo equipment, it was time to check it out. Sure enough a well beaten trail materialized through the grass leading into the woods. This trail weaved its way through the dense woods of lichen covered trees to emerge upon a small cove. The beach was of pebbles. There were free standing rock forms scattered around. I walked behind a huge rock formation onto the scene you see above. It is amazing what the forces of Lake Superior can create. If you let your imagination loose, you can imagine that you are observing rock sculptures in the form of prehistoric animals. A very unique location indeed.

It was still early evening. I did create a few compositions. The best lighting was yet to come. It would be a couple hours of waiting to get the compositions I wanted. Meanwhile I checked out the composition of these rock forms. They appear to be sedimentary in structure. One thing of note was the fair size stones embedded in the material. As erosion occurred the stones would fall out. What remained was small cavities where the stones had been.

I photographed the above scene before the sun left. Wonderful lighting with a touch of good sky for the background. I actually climbed up another rock to get this composition. At times a bit of height improves upon your shot. Well that is it for now. Just waiting for the fall colors to appear. Then back up to Lake Superior again. Until next time happy trails.




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